With the hosts from “Tabera Talk”!
„TABERA Talk“, every two weeks on-Air! Sarah-Michelle Fuchs and Marlene Bogner talk about topics like Trans- and Intersexuality. They help the society to understand the problems of persons concerned.
Today they send live from a tent at the park near the Votiv-Church in Vienne. On Thursday, the 16th of June, the action “Regenbogenpark”/Rainbowspark startet, with a lot of exibitions to the topic: gay, lesbian people, transgenders, equality and the fight against discrimination from LGBTs.
All these acts as a kick-off to the Rainbowsparade tomorrow, Saturday, the 18th of June.
Tune-in, the two Ladies have a lot of Feel-Good-Music for you and many interviews with exhibitors and visitors of the Rainbowspark! From 11 am to 5pm in the afternoon!