
Warum wählen gehen? – Check Europe! Sa, 24.5., 13h

Warum wählen gehen? – Check Europe! Sa, 24.5., 13h

Junge RadiomacherInnen fragen nach – warum die Wahlteilnahme so wichtig ist.Young folks (radio-insider) ask, why it`s important to elect.
Pollenwarndienst in "Natürlich Wissenschaft", Sa, 24.5., 17 h!

Pollenwarndienst in "Natürlich Wissenschaft", Sa, 24.5., 17 h!

Bei Susanne Mayrhofer Frau Dr. K. Bastl vom Pollenwarndienst der Med.Uni.Wien This time on-air with Susanne Mayrhofer: Dr. Katharina  Bastl from the Pollen-Warning-Service of the Med.Uni.Vienna.
Thomas Haselhofer bei Hilde Starkl im "St. Pöltner Sprachrohr", Do, 17h

Thomas Haselhofer bei Hilde Starkl im "St. Pöltner Sprachrohr", Do, 17h

Neues Programm des Kabarettisten Thomas Haselhofer in Hilde Starkls SprachrohrThomas Haselhofer will introduce his new cabaret-program named “Ein hartes Los” at Hilde Starkls “St. Pöltner Sprachrohr”. Tune-in!

Thema:Songs, 20.5., 19-20h

Thema ist, passenderweise zum Wetter letzte Woche: “Regen”.


Irina Hablecker – English-speaking program “Innunendo” Being raised under the watchful eye of a Romanian communist dictator, there is nothing I cherish more than the power of information and the freedom of speech. This very hunger for knowing more comes in handy in my daily job as a librarian, whereas the constant search for freedom […]
Dub:Info, 20.5., 15-16h

Dub:Info, 20.5., 15-16h

Live-Session in Dub’n’House and some other fine grooves with Stefan Summesberger aka DJ Soumez.Live-Session in Dub’n’House and some other fine grooves with Stefan Summesberger aka DJ Soumez.

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